Solo Exhibition 徐佳鈴個展

▶︎ Ignite 擇期而遇
▶︎ 2021.09.18-10.23
▶︎ Virtual Tour:


行走探尋的過程中一次又一次與他人接觸對話,在體力或情緒的臨界點獲得幫助與支撐。縱然人物故事、場景和時空迴異,但發自內心的善意彷彿是一個極大的共通點。當人與人之間有了絕對的善意,什麼事情都能達成。善意擴散的路徑原本由事件本身向外觸及,參與的人成為路徑中的截點,以口述或行動的方式發散溫熱的光火給更多人。透過這些媒介的傳遞,事件本身的核心精神得以演化延續下去。」 —— 徐佳鈴

當決定按下快門的那一刻,似乎也為攝影者的見證與經歷啟動了相當於儀式性的行為。2019到2021年期間,以連年參與慶典的方式,分別藉由在美國內華達州沙漠中舉行的「火人祭」(Burning Man),以及隨白沙屯拱天宮媽祖徒步往北港的「進香之路」作為脫離日常生活法則的儀式。在特定且短暫的時間中,掬旅程中相遇之光,視之猶如宿命般的閃現、讓飽滿能量與多元觀感充斥,為自己儲存電力後再次迎向生活。相遇有時,疫情之下更顯珍貴,所以她持續紀錄;所以她等候而始終期待 —— 反思生命旅程中所有的接受與給予,被提醒著,無論如何總是不該感到絕望。

▶︎ 獲選評語:「作品開放性高,議題的容許詮釋範圍令人值得一探。」
主辦單位:孖空間 Zi space、324版畫工作房、十方藝術空間Galerie OVO、慢慢生活美術工作坊

What causes our encounter; what makes it last? There seems to be a drive that pushes one towards the fire within oneself. Through every moment of pressing the shutter, Shannie Hsu practices her ritual of witness by venturing on atypical journeys. May it be the indescribable desert experience at Burning Man, Nevada; or walking the 400km Baishatun Mazu Pilgrimage in west Taiwan, the photographer attempts to steer away from everyday routine and recharge herself with human connection/ re-connection.

“The incentive of my departures usually comes from the callings of “unknown”. By getting closer to the unknown, there could be a chance to figure out my own existence; a chance of a tiny renaissance of our shared past.” “I was thrilled when I suddenly realized the universal link in places that are seemingly so different. The link that connects us is kindness. When humans treat each other with unconditional compassion and openness, everything is possible.” — Shannie Hsu