Solo Exhibition 徐佳鈴個展

▶︎ Ignite 擇期而遇
▶︎ 2021.09.18-10.23
▶︎ Virtual Tour:

Shannie Hsu

徐佳鈴 — 1986年生,心理系畢業,於影展與文化圈裡疾走的地味女子。曾參與拍攝《城西生活節》傳統技藝職人《萬華老城咖啡香》咖啡師群像,在日常或非典型的遠行中紀錄情感流動與生活光暈。

Film photography addict, travels for bizarre and deep cultural festivities, obsessed with nostalgia — Shannie Hsu was raised in east Taiwan and Vancouver, currently based in Taipei. Shereceived UBC BA Psychology degree and has been working in the creative industry since 2010. As a self-taught photographer, her works reflect her interest in travel and culture. Her rhythmic compositions convey personal intimacy and human emotions with elements of pleasant surprises in daily life.

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